Clean Air Tree Kit - You plant one, we plant one!
Ecotopia have teamed up with the World Clean Air Forest Initiative to supply this great Clean Air Tree Kit. This kit contains one potent object for producing one tonne of clean air with no adverse impact on the environment - A Tree!
The Clean Air Tree Kit is designed to get you involved in environmentally focused activities that will have a direct effect on local and global communities and hopefully bring us all closer together
Inside the Clean Air Tree Kit is everything you need to grow and plant your own tree. This will help to produce a whopping one tonne of Clean Air across the course of the tree’s life!
You can plant your tree in your own garden, or in a locally designated planting area (Local Forest), then use the special PIN code inside your tree kit to register on our website and map.
For every Clean Air Tree Kit you buy WCAFI will plant another tree with our tree-planting partners around the World. Current planting locations include: Haiti, Malawi, India, Ethiopia, Cameroon, Ghana, Senegal, Uganda, Kenya. Essentially, you buy one tree kit, you plant two trees.
The Clean Air Tree Kit's white globe is made from potato waste and is 100% biodegradable. In fact every element is either biodegradable or compostable, from the PLA used in the shrink-wrap to the vegetable and water based inks used in the instruction booklet.
The Kit contains: 1 x growing pellet, which allows the roots to breathe, 1 x growing pot which will drain any excess water, 6 – 10 tree seeds and instructions for growing. We already have reports of 4 plus trees grown from the one kit! We find the best local seeds for your area, so you can be assured that when you plant your tree; it’s got the best chance of growing!
We’re very excited to be part of this at Ecotopia and think it’s probably one of the best products we have ever offered. At £4.99 there’s no excuse not to get growing! Go To Clean Air Tree Kit